Receptionist Training: Dealing with a Complaint.

People usually want to make a complaint because they are unhappy with the service they are receiving. Have you taken all steps to ensure that you have done your utmost to ensure that you have done everything in your power to avoid this situation? If so, well done, unfortunately you cannot be responsible for every situation that may or may not go according to plan.

When someone wishes to make a complaint and you feel that you are unable to deal with it don’t ignore it – direct to someone that can.

STAY CALM! Don’t make an already difficult situation even worse than it already might be. If you feel that you are unable to deal with it – ask another member of staff to step in and help.

ALWAYS take any complaint seriously.

Make sure that you are aware of your company “Complaints Policy”. Is there a person that deals with customer complaints? If so, pass the complaint over to them in person.  If they are not available at that time ensure that you take details and pass it to them on their return

Has your company got a “Complaints Form?  If not perhaps you could suggest having one.

Do not wait for the customer to complete the complaints form before you pass it on to the appropriate person. If a customer has verbally made a complaint you need to log the complaint – you should date and time the complaint and outline what the customer was complaining about – and pass this onto the appropriate person to deal with.

Quite often people will get annoyed and want to complain – if the complaint is dealt with quickly  and efficiently it can often be resolved and the complaint will often go no  further.

If the situation is dealt with in a professional manner and the customer is offered a complaints form to complete more often than not they will take the form away – calm down and decided not to complete the form .

If the complaint is over the telephone, again ask the customer is they would like you to post out a complaints form to them.

A complaints form can often be turned into a positive situation – learn from a complaint – look at how you can improve the incident and ensure that it doesn’t happen again. Discuss complaints at staff meetings – don’t push them “under the  carpet”. You don’t want to have the same complaint again and again. This is a good way to review and update your procedures and policies.

ALWAYS reply to any complaint you receive either verbally, in person or in writing. If you feel that your company were in the wrong apologise to the customer. Always look into a complaint with an open mind – speak to staff members and ensure that you get both sides of the story. Often a complaint is made by someone who at the time was very angry and certain facts can often been overlooked. Support your fellow staff members – and if the complaint is justified deal with it appropriately and go through the correct procedures.

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